For today’s post I want to share some things I’ve been learning. Having just had a birthday, I have been doing a lot of reflecting on my past year. Originally I had thought it would be fun to make a list of 32 Things I’ve learned, or 32 Things You May not Know About Me. Instead, I want to share one overarching lesson I’ve been going through the past year.

The only thing holding you back is YOU!

I recently read a blog post by my mentor Kylee Ann, which you can read here. She goes into her own philosophy on this topic and how she helps her mentees overcome limiting beliefs and believe in themselves. It’s really good, so you should definitely give it a read.

Choosing to Believe in Myself

It’s been so interesting to me that over the course of the past year, I’ve had several people reach out to me and ask me how I find the motivation…How do I keep going? How do I believe in myself?

Well I have something to tell you…I don’t always believe in myself. In fact, I feel like in this past year I’ve had to really work at believing in my ability to accomplish my goals and to become the person I want to be. Not only in this business but also in other areas of my personal life.

I’ve had many nights when I’ve cried to my husband. Many nights of him telling me he believes in me. I’ve had so many conversations with friends encouraging me to keep going after my goals. While these things are helpful and I am so thankful for the amazing people in my life, I’ve learned that I have to believe in myself FIRST and MORE than anyone else.

So…how have I started the hardest thing I could do, choosing to believe in myself?

Identify and Check Your Limiting Beliefs at the Door

Limiting beliefs are any negative thoughts we may have about ourselves and our abilities. They are often the stories we tell about ourselves, to ourselves. They may be things family members or loved ones told us about ourselves growing up and that we still carry with us. They also may be things we have formulated on our own or things our culture or society have taught us. Limiting beliefs keep us from achieving our goals and dreams and ultimately keep us from becoming the person we were made to become.

A limited belief I often have is “I can’t be a good mother and a successful entrepreneur at the same time. It’s either one or the other.” If I choose to believe this, I ultimately will believe that it is either/or….that I can’t do both.

What I’ve come to learn to do is to get curious. Ask myself questions. Doubt those beliefs before I believe them. I even think about what my husband would say if I said that aloud to him…which he would definitely reject.

Then, change “can’t” into “can” and add a “when”. For example: “I CAN be a good mother and successful entrepreneur at the same time WHEN I ask for the help I need, outsource what I can, and prioritize.” Do you see how much more empowering that is? I’ve felt so empowered using this method of rephrasing in those frustrating times.

A Work in Progress

This year I will continue to work on eliminating false beliefs. They truly do not serve me in any way! I know this will be something I need to continually work on. There’s also something to remember: the only way to not achieve your goal is to give up.

This year you’ll find me working on my inner thoughts. You’ll find me shutting down thoughts and ideas around me telling me I can’t. You’ll find me doing my best at not holding myself back…because my dreams are worth it!

xoxo, Nicole