Ahhh…choosing outfits for family photos. I would dare say that a good majority of us dread having to do this! It can be sooo hard to find outfits that go well together and clothes that are comfortable for your kiddos! Sometimes it can be so overwhelming to even start thinking about it. As a photographer based in Utah and Arizona, I’ve had a variety of clients approach me about this topic. So here are some of my top tips on how to choose what to wear to your family holiday photos:

  1. Shop your closet! There’s really no need to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe for family photos. Look in your closet. Do you have any clothing items that you love? Are they neutrals and easily paired with other colors and patterns? Do you love how you look (or your kids/husband) when you wear it? Pull all of those items out.
  2. Start with Mom’s outfit first: This is always a good idea- no matter if it’s holiday photos or not- start with mom’s outfit FIRST. I want you to pick something you love!
  3. Look at the colors/pattern on the clothes you chose for yourself (assuming Mom is the one reading this) and try to find complimentary colors for your husband and kid’s to wear! For example, if your burgundy dress has accents of brown and white in the pattern, I would suggest finding a white shirt for your husband with brown pants.
  4. Add in holiday accent colors. You do not all need to wear red and green to look festive! Your photos will look more timeless and more seasonally transitional (if that’s what you’re looking for) if there are just hints of red, green, and gold mixed in with neutrals. Maybe that means little sister would wear a green dress, big brother wear a plaid shirt, Mom wear a red cardigan, etc. You don’t need to go over the top!

Here is a little document I’ve sent to my clients for our Christmas minis this year! Just a little example of outfits I would recommend!

You can also check out my Pinterest board for more ideas: https://pin.it/fur1qyL

As always, I am happy to help in anyway I can for your upcoming session. Let me know if you need any assistance!

xoxo Nicole