Today I thought I’d share some of my #sundaythoughts on my blog. I am honestly so grateful for this space where I can share so much of my work and passion for photography but also share who I am! Since I started my photography business I have been mainly focused on Instagram posts. Although social media can be a great place to share and connect, I am so excited to be able to blog more often so that I can share more of who I am!
At the end of each week I like to take time to summarize things I’ve learned during the week. The past few months for me have been FILLED with learning opportunities and growth, which I am excited to be able to share. I call these learnings my #sundaythoughts. I would love to see if you can relate with or are going through the same things as me.
#1: You can still be a good mom and still chase your dreams.
Don’t let anyone tell you differently. Yes, it may take you longer and it may throw you some different challenges than if i you were childless, but you can still do it! I personally believe Ava (my daughter) seeing me go after things is one of the best things I can teach her!
I can promise you that it won’t be smooth sailing. You’ll definitely forget things and feel like you “don’t have it together” but let me tell you something: NOBODY REALLY DOES HAVE IT ALL TOGETHER! You may have to spend more time working during naps and after bedtime but I promise you that it will all be worth it.
Now I’m not perfect at remembering all of this. Ha! Trust me! Maybe that’s why I need to write this down, so that I can look back and remind myself. Please know that your kids are watching; don’t you want them to watch you achieve your goals? Don’t you want them to see you work hard? Don’t you want them to see your passion? Keep going.
#2: Don’t compare your journey to others
This is something I’ve really been working on this week. I shared a few weeks ago (on Instagram) about a journey I’m on and how overwhelmed by just thinking about how long it may take me. How much work, how much time sacrificed, etc. Then I had a friend message me and tell me that she thinks the same way about me…that she often feels overwhelmed about getting to where I am right now. That definitely put things into perspective for me.
One thing I’ve committed myself to do is to stop looking around me. They say the fastest way to the finish line is by looking straight ahead and working as hard as you can. Remind yourself of that. It doesn’t mean anything if that other photographer/blogger/business got 1k followers before you! If you keep working hard you’ll get there and ultimately it won’t matter how long it took you!
#3: Your worth is not dependent upon what you achieve
This is something that is honestly ridiculously hard for me. You are more than your achievements. You are more than what you can cross of your to-do list. Don’t let those things that have been lingering on your to-do list make you feel like you’re a lazy underachiever. Just do your best and get your rest, too!
I hope that reading about some of these things helps you understand that you are not alone in things you are struggling with. We all struggle. The amazing thing is, though, that we can overcome and become better. Just take one step at a time.